Exceeding Sinfulnef of Sin. 507 feldom come in the Congregation : I perfwade my felf, there be thoufands belonging to this place, fcarce ever heard Sermon in this place, fcarce knowwhether Chrift be manor woman, fcarceknowanymore than ifthey had lived a- mong the Turks 5 and yet thefe poor Creatures live miferable lives every way for their bodies : Alas, I fuppofe there be very few of t,laefe I preach to now that be Hearers of inënow-5. perhaps Godmay have fome love to fome poor Creatures that may come creeping into theCon- gregation, that mayhear me : this Exercife was intended for fuch Poor that might come in the morning, for manyofthe Richer fort had ra- ther take their cafe, and give them room- e- nough; they might fupply the want of their room, and yet how fewof them come here : they, it may be, are at home ( many of them ) mending their cloaths,or perhaps at fomeworfe exercife on theSabbath; and thus haveneither God, nor the World ; are miferable here, and like to be eternally miferable. If there had been given to this Placeby theParliament, or a- nyother, fomuch, as that everie Sabbath day morning, fixpenceapiece fhould have been gi- venbyway ofdole 5 nay, ifit had been but a twopennydole, we fhould have had abundance; whereas now fcarce any once come : And as, notmany mightie,not many richornoble corne, fonot manyverypoor, and outwardlymifera- ble come. Me thinks when anyofyoulook up- on their condition, you fhould h'ave your hearts raifed to biers God that hathmade a difference between