Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

508 The Evil of Evils, or the between you andthem : and when you be croft in your tamilies, thinkwith your felves, Why íhould ? be difcontentedbecaufe I have this or that crofs ? doth not God make my condition a thoufand times better than many hundreds that live taeer to me ? do not I everie day, nay eve- ry hour almost in the fireet, fee hundreds cf people, I would be Ioth to change conditions withal ? And who hath made the difference ? who bath put a difference between you and them ? You that have Efrates, andcomfortable Yoke-fellows, and Children about you, that. have your Tables fpread, and Hon f es furnifh't, andLodging, and good Friends, and God hath made known E-limfelf, andgivenhis Ordinances unto you, andhopes ofEternal Life; Oh what a difference is between you, and fuch wretched Creaturesas thefe are ? And yet there are many offuch poor Creatures thus affli&ed, that ( may be) look upon themfelves, and do acknowledg theybe miferable Creatures in regardofali&i on, but never think themfelves miferable in re- gardof fin, they underhand not that miferie. But now I (peak toyou who have heard thefe Sermons of theevil offin, or read them, I hope by this timeyou come to underhand what deal! ofevil there is in fin, that fo you mayprat both together, woful Aflii&ion, andSin If there be ante here account themfelves miferable by afi- I ,&ion, as I fuppofe ( thoughyou be not in that e-tremitie ofpovertie that othersate, Y et) ma-" ny think themfelves miferable by afi iatto n, that little thinkyour felves miferable by fin ,a II this while. .01119,0i :