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Exceeding Sinfuinéfs ofSin. ÿog while : nay, Tome may be have thought them- (elves fo .miferable by aífi&ion that you have madeout and mealuredGods intentions of good toyou hereafter by that; you have your Hell herefor theprefent, and therefore think you thall have Heavenhereafter. This is the great Argument many men and women have, becaufe they havea Hell here, therefore they (hall have Heavenhereafter. But be it knownunto thee, iftogether with thine aflfieiion thou {-till remai neft.iinful and wicked, thou maiefi have aHell here, and a Hell Eternal hereafter alto. Mark what is faidofsodorri, unclean and filthy Sodom, who livedin all manner of filthinefs like bruit Beafts5 it is faid ofthem in the Epifile of7ude, ver. 7. Evenas Sodom andGornorah, and the ci- tiesabont them in like manner giving themfilves over tofornication, andgoing afterfi°angeflefh, arefetforth for an example,fajfering the vengeanceofEternalfire. Mark, Sodom fuffered the vengeance of Eternal fire, and yet Sodom 'fuffered the vengeance of prefent fire ; there carne fire in this world, . and brirnftoue, and confun ed them for who burned inLuft; and yetfor all the fire and brimfione upon them in this world, the Holy Ghoft faith, that they fuffered the vengeance of Eternal fire; they `;were tent down from fire in thisworld, toEternal f`ire in that world tocome So certainly, manypeoplebe fent from mifery in thisworld toEternal mifery 5 and all the mi- feriesonthem in this world, beebut the begin nings ofmifery, but asthe per-boyling of flefli to thexroafting hereafter ; they have a little ®o o ' heat