Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

sto The Evil of Evils) or the heat ofmifery here, but 'tis .but as theper-boy- ling to the wafting in Hell hereafter. Know therefore, all thofe that are miferable here,and finful, andwicked; let them know, the Juftice ofGod is an infinite ftream, and there is never a whit the lefs to run becaufe ofal that hath run before, but his hand is ftretchedout fiill ; as in N. 5.25. after God had fpoken ofdreadful wrath againft his people, faith he, Therefore k the angerofthe Lord kindled agaitill hispeople, andhe bathftretchedout his hand againfthem andfmitten them, andthe hills did tremble, and their Carkafs were torn in the midfl of the ftreet ; for allthirhisan- ger is not turnedaway, but his hand is firetched out Rill. Mark, Gods wrath is fo terrible, that hills and mountains tremble at it : We hope now, we that endured fo much {hall endurenomore; mark what he faithnext, For all this, his anger is not turned away, buthishand is ftretched out fall : So though Godhave manifefted foine dif- pleafure, or brought woful miferie upon thy Body, Eftate, or Name, and, vet thy heart not brought to the true work of Repentance; for all this, the hand of God is firetched out í}i11, and Eternallyagainft thee, if fobe thou return not from fin. For thee to think there wilt be an endat laft, becaufe thóu haft endured hard' things, is j ft like theFool I haveread of, one that fate by a running ftream, a river, and he would-have gone over, buthe thoughthe could not yet ; but therehada great.dee] ofwaterruii` away, andhe law it ftill running apace,. and fo fate fíi11, hoping it wouldhave ing running be- .0.**eit