Exceeding Sinfulnef?ofSin. 511 fore night, nay faithhe, it path run agreat deal, at lafi I hope it will be dry, an never confider- ed it was fedby the Fountain,ñd was a run- ningfiream : Such is the folly of many people that think becaufe that they fuller fomewhat now, ere long they fhail fuffer no more : Doeft thounot knowGodswrath is a continuaïftream, fed from an Eternal Fountain ? Some reafon thus, BecaufeI profper, therefore I hopeGod loves me : And others reafon thus, Becaufe I am afflicted, I hope He loves me : but both thefe Reafons willcertainly deceive thee. Oh that I hadhere manyof thefe people to fpeak to, I would enlarge my Pelfmuch to them, for my foul evenbleeds over them : Oh confider, thou that art under great affli&ions ('if God havebrought any fuchpoor Creature to thisEx- ercife) confider you are under great and foreof fliâtions, and fenlbleof them ; Oh if thouwert but delivered from finand wickednefs,the grea- ter part of`thy rniferyby far, were gone and o- ver : What wouldefl thoudo todeliver;thy felf from mifery ? thou art in woful poverty, and in painful difeafes, and grievous extremities; Oh ifone fhould come tohelp thee, he wouldboa good Mailer that could but deliver thee from thy woful pain, and thymiferabl,e povertyand Ì extremity. We know, if God do but give a heart to turn from fin, the greateft of thymifery were'gone, and thou wilt prefently be in a bet- )ter condition than the greatefi Emperor,or Mo- narch, or Prince in the world, in a Gnful condi- ' tion. I would but put this toany of thofe poor Ooo a fn -