Exceeding Sintinejf of Sin. 513 have been forced to feek relief of fome, they have gone and made known their condition to others their neighbors, and fo they havecom- mended them to others, and thofe to others, and fo they are commended from one toano- ther, that either know them, or by the recom- mendationof them that doknow them, and fo are releived. But togo in fuch an extravagant . way., fromdoor to doorabegging theirbread, t hardly thinkyou can give exampleof anygod- lyhavebeen fo: And if God would but turn the heart of force poor, wretched, miferable Creature, fo that there might appear godlineile inthern,'God would provide for them, .Its true, though there be not godlineffe, we fhould not lett thernperifh, God forbid; letthem. not want thatwhich is abfolutely neceffary, let themnot flarve; yet the Scripture faith, Let them that will not work, not eat; let not us-do more than the Scripture commands, togive liberty infuch waies asincreafeth fin ; and let-not us nourifh that which nourifheth fin ; but inquire after them that be godly, and releive them : And if poor people would depend upon God in his wàyes,hewould pro--:-.1- e.,;1 i_..,., . if thyAáfli&ions fhould not be taken away, it thy finwere gone, thou wouldeft be far more, able tobear thyAf li&lion for a man that hath a fore ftouldercannot bear aburthen, but if the foreneflè be gone, he canbear it thebetter : fo' thy Aftliftion wou$ld not be fo heavy, if thou . wert godly,as it is now ; nay,it wouldbe fanetia- fed to thee, and thon wouldefl bearthem the better .