514 The Evil ofEviti, Or the better. I confeffe, this is hard to convince them that be ignorant ofGod & the natureofgrace; but certainly there is a truth in thefe things; therefore though it be rare for God tocome in with hisPaving grace into the.heart of fuch that be miferably afflifed 3 thought it is true, their Afflihiondothnot hinder, for were it not for their wickedneffe, they might be happy ; I wouldnot make their Afflierion greater than it is they might be happy were it not for their wickedneflè : but we fee it to rarer becaufe theirEducation is Inch, there is no good Princi- ple in them, andnothing to work upon in them; being bred up in Atheifm, therefore it is very rare. But becaufe it is fo rare, fo much the greater will Gods grace be, if Godhave Tome ofthefepoor Creatures in this Congregation at this prefent, and (peak to their hearts ; how much more rarewould it be becaufe it is not of- ten Peen ? what if God pats bygreat, rich men, Noble men, Princes, and fhall look into thy Cottage, and on thymiferable Efate, and con- vert thy Soul, and thewmercie to thee : What for God to Pet his heart upon thee ! and give the Blood of his Son for thee ! and to make T ° Ci'nrt givc theean In- heritance in theKingdom ofGlory, to make theecome and reignwit him Eternal- ly ! Oh the infinitenefs ofGods grace,that ever ,God thould Pet his heart upon fuch a poor Crea- tive as thou art ! Therforego awaywith thefe thoughts; Oh wretched Creature, howhave I' lived without God in the world, and look't for nothing