Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulnei ofSin. nothingbut a littlebread and drink,and thought my felf happy if I couldbut get this; and thus livedmiferablyhere,and I confefs have thought my felfamiferable wretch all this while; but God hath toldme this at this prefent, there is a worfe evil than all this ; the evil of fin I have been full ofall my life; and put both together, how miferable are we ? and, therefore the Lord be merciful to me : if God ftrike thy heart, know, thy foul is as precious in Gods eyes as the richeft man in theworld, as King or Prince; the greateft Noble,man's,_in the Land is not more precious inGods eyes than thine : yea, and the Minifters oftheGofpel be fent by God topreach Jefus Chrift to thee, as well as topreachto the richeft and greateft in the world; Chrift came to fhed.his bloodfor thee, as wel as for theBrea- teft in theworld; and the Kingdom ofHeaven is opened as wide to thee as to thegreateít and richefr; though tis true, thoucalla not deliver thy felffrom outwardaffidion, yet thou maift deliver thy Soul from Hell as well asthegreateft in the world : therefore be not miferablehere, and miferable hereafter, but look after God, andChrift, andEternal Life; thoughthoubeen not like tobe great here, yet who knows but thatthoumaiett be crowned with Glory Eter- nally hereafter ?. there is fulnefs of Mercy in God. Poor Creatures, if they fee a Coach 'come, ifthey think aGentlemanbe there, ora Noble man, how they run, and cryout, Oh ., good my Lord; or your Worfhip, and lift up their voyces for. Alms 1f an ordinary man. come- 515