Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

516 The Evil of Evils, Or the come, theywill defire relief, andbefeech them for ahalfpentiy or*fai thin : but if arich and a great tnan"pàfsby,' thét'they 'cry and lift úp their voyces; why ? " becaúfe they think there is more to be had. Oh'know, there is fulnefs'óf Riches and Grace in (ßód, to turn thymifery to Eternal felicity; there is mercy enough in God to ralle theefrom thy low, weak, miferabie .e.= fiate, to theheight ofgloryand `happinefs: And ifGodcaufehis Word to prevail with thySoul, thoumaieffgoaway with the befi'dolethat elder thou hadeft "in all thy life. And thus much Í thought to fpeak tothofe'poor people that were bothhnful, rniferable and afllic ed. *itifft*****Stitii2ititit CHAP. *****14***