Exceeding Sinfulneff of Sin. 517 At4AtMAAIMAIMAAAAAt iViii4i4Va OVV MV$ CHAP. LXVII. Life 17 Being of Reprehenfion tofixforts ofpeople. Firfi, It reprehends thole that are more afraid of Affliction than Sin. Secondly, It reprehendeth thofe that árecareful to keep themf'vesfrom/n, but it's meer y forfear of oflition. For I This may be without change of Nature. 2 Thy obedience is forced. 3 Thou art not unbottomed from thy f lf, 4 Thou art not like tohold cut. Alfa two Anfivers toan objeTionof thole that think they avoidfin for fear of Hell : I. Thy Senfitive part may be moll f l`îrr'dbyfear ; but yet thy rational part may bemoll carriedagain/ fin as fin. 2. Tho f that avoidfin weeryforfear, never cometo love theCommandthat forbid thefin. 3 They are willingly ignorant ofma- ryfins. 4. Thofe:that avoid/n, and not out of ear; even when they fear, God will deroy them ; then theydefireGodmay beglerifted. 5. 'Thole that avoid finout offear, do notfe'e the excellency ofGodlinefs,fo as tobe inamoredwith it. Thirdly, It reprehends thofethat will fin to avoid afficlion. Fourthly, It rebukes fùch, as whenthey are under áflielion, they bemare f ofbleof of ietion than offin. Alfa therekfive Dfeoveries whether mensof lic ion or fin trouble them. Fifthly, Itreprehendsthof that get out ofAflitlion byfnful courts, andyet think they ck well. Sixthly, It reprehends thole that af- terdeliverancefroma f ifion, canblerthemfelves in theirfns. P p p Life XVII