Ufe XV II. 'Ome we now to the la thing. The !aft Ufe is this ( I wit but thew what might have been laid , and fo wind up all ) I here are fix forts of People, that from thi, Point are reprehended. You (hall feeall Natu- rally follow from thePoint in hand, that there s greater Evil inSin than in ACiaion. Firft, suchkindofpeople as be more afraid ofAf- aiffion than of-fin. There be many people very thyofAflidion, and folicitous to prevent Affli- dion, but not to prevent Sin Many reafon thus, I had needbe agood Hufband, and layup ,fonawhaty. I know not what I may meet withal before I die, I may want before I die : many are penurious and, covetous, and will not enlarge ithenifelves togood Ides when God calls, be- caufe they be afraid they and their Children may want before they die who knows what we may -meet withal? andthus theyare care- ful to prevent Arhiaion. Put for Sin, they do not lay up toprevent that; whereas we fhould be very folicitotis,leaft we fhould bedrawn into temptation, and therefore we are taught to pray, Lead tis not into temptation, as well as, For- give uscur trefffiffis : True, God keeps me from filchand fuch fins, but what ifGod fhould leave me to temptation ? what a wretched Creature Mould I be if ever this corrupt heart of mine fhould prevail againft me? as I have caufe to fear, I find fuch, wickednefs boyling and bub- ling up, and fuch proneneffe to Inch and Inch fin 5 iftheLord be not infinitely merciful tome I than "sr'