Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

1 Exceeding Sinfirineff of Sin. 1 (hall break out to the diithonor of his Name, fcandal of.feel>igion, and wounding ofmy Con- fcience; and this God knowscaufesthemoll fo licitons care that I ever had, lead my heart thould break out againfl God, tothe fcandal of that holy Profefl"ion I have takenupon me. Oh is it thus with you ? . Oh this werea.happything indeed. As whenmenhear ofone that is broke, theywil inquirewhat is the reafon; he had fuch an Etl te, what is the reafon he broke ? One (maybe) faith, he trufl:ed Servants toomuch and that. caufed him to break ; Oh this will caufe him to look fo to it, that he will never trutt hisServantstoomuch : Another (may be) faith, Eecaufe he lived above his means and thisMakes him that he will not live above his means Andanother, Ile will have his Coun try Houle, andhis Servants riot at home when he is abroad : And another, He trufxed too much, and fuch like ReaIons : Now wewill be wife to take heedofthat which brings others to af$i&ions. So it fl-ould be with uswhen we fee any fall into fin ; Profeflors: that made a (hew oq Religion, and afterwards fall fotiliy, it.quire now what is the matter this man broke ? he broke hisConfcience, what is the matter? one that had Inchadmirable gifts, and made fuch Profefiion5Oh may be all the time he had a proud heart; therefore I will keep my heart bumble: Oh he had Excellent Gicts, and en largements inPrayer; but he had a light vtir Spirit ;" Oh let me takeheed of this root ofbit 1 ternetfe in my Soul He is broke now, but PP 2 what 519 .