520 The Evil of Evils, Or the what is the matter ? Oh he began tobe fluggifh 'and cold inClofet work, and fuchduties in his Family; Oh let me take heed, and keep up communion with God in fecret in my Clofet, and in my Family : Hebroke indeed, but how ? Oh fume fecret fin he kept inhis bofom, there was fame fecret fin he let his heart hanker after, and now God hath left him to it; now by Gods grace I will look tomy felf, I will by the grace ofGod takeheed offecret fins. ThusBrethren, ifwe were fenfibleofthe evil ofSin, we would be thus careful to prevent theevil offin, as well as the evil ofaffli&ion And fo many, for their Children, Oh they will be providing for their Children,that theymay live likemen, and have fomwhat to take toe but ifyouwere apprehen- five ofthe evil of fin,youwould provid for their Soulsas well as their Bodies ; and`therefore,Oh let meput him in a good Family, and there he may learn to prevent fin. This is the Fitt, To reprove thefe. that labor toprevent Affliction, but not Sin. Secondly, It ferves to reprove thofe that he careful to seep themfelves from fin, but "tip mealy for fear ofaficiion, cnlyupon that ground : as if there were not evil enough in fin it felf, but all the evil were in affiiftion. Certainly thefe men and womenunderhand not this, That there is more evil in Sin, than in Aflii&ion ; if thou dideft un- derhand, andwert fenfibleof this Point I have treated upon, thou wouldeft find Arguments enough from fin it felf to keep thee from fin, though no aflii&tion iilould follow. Thou ab- 1 itaineft