Exceeding Sinfulneß of Sin, 52Z ttaneft from fin, what is the reafon ? not be- ° caufeofany great evil thou feeft in fin, but be- caufeofafi&iom; thy Confcience tells thee it will bring thee to trouble, and into affliction, and this keepsaway fin 'Tis true, it is good for men and women to avoid fin upon any terms, and this is onemotive God propounds toavoid fin by, but this is not all or the chief motive ; becaufe of afflierion, and trouble, Confcience tells thee,God will beeven with thee, andthe wrath ofGod purfues thee : very few come fo far, to have fuch apprehenfìonsofthe evilcon fequences of fin, and to avoid fin upon them grounds : But you fhould labor, not only to a-. void finfrom theevil confequences of fin, but for theevil of fin it felt; for if thou avoid fin' only from the evil confequences of fin : Know,!' r This maybewithout change of Nature ; a man or awoman maybe in fuch an efiate,as they maynot dare to commit forne fin out of fear of trouble that may follow, and yet not his Na- tupechanged: as aWoi'f chained up, may be the fame thathe was beforehe was chainedup; hisnature is not changed. 2 ifmeerly for fear of troublethou forbear eft fin ; then know, thy fervice and obedience is forced fervice and obedience, and fohot accep- tedwhen meerly forced: 3 If thouavoid finmeerly for fear ofafhieci- on, then thouart not yet unbottomed offfrom thy.felf, notquitetaken off fromthy felt 4 ifthou avoid fin nieerly to prevent aftli&i- on, then thou art not like to hold out; that is a principle