522 The Evil ofEvils,or the principle inNature, nothingis per;'etual that is violent; and this is violent, ,tóavoid tinmeerly !. for fearof a#fliáir n a . fetchmen and womenwill notholdout, iftherebenoother principlethan this, theywill fall offat !all., they will abate at tali, and fo they will, come to falloff. Bnt. youwill fay, ohLord, this ismycondition; I ant äfiaid. There are I fuppofe many in this Congregation may, and doapply there things, and it ftrikes to their hearts to think, Lord, then am afraid I have nograce at all ; for it is true, I have avoidedfin, and havenot goneon in the fame fins others have done; but for my own parr, for ought I know, meetly out or fear of Hell andAfili&ion, and trouble thatwill follow, rather than from any other evil in fin : What is thereno grace in methat avoid fin for fear of afHiion ? For the helpingofthem that apply it other- wife than it fhould be, to conclude there is no graceat all. Therefore, I Know, That though theSenfitive part may not be fo much furred from the beholding the evil offin, as of affliction, yet the Rational part maymorework againft fin as fin, than from affli Rion that follows. How will this follow (will you fay) that the Fational part is not ordered by theSenfitive ? Thus : If i put my finger in the fire, there will bemore pain to Sence, than if I endured that which is a hundred times worfe : as fuppofe a Prince fhould lofe his. Kingdom, that is a greater evil than tohave his finger a littleburnt; yet there would be more to