Exceeding Sinfidnef ofSin. ï.23' to fence for the initant,than can be in the other But ifhe come to the Rational part, to chufe which, he will take, he will rather take that which is moft painful for the preterit. So the troubled foul, though to fence it find more from the fearofevil;. but if it were put to its choice, hewill chufe any afliidion rather than fin .g fo that the Rationalpart fears its fn more than its aftli&ion :. For if it were thus, that it might have its choice, that it might commit fuch a fin without any aff[idion, or fuch an af- fi&ionwithout fin g whichwill you take ? Cer- tainly that foul in the rational part, will chufe the aftliition without fin,, rather than the fin without theaffliaion.. But yet I have heremore to fay to fuch, to fatisfie the Confciences of thofe that are trou bled, and that fay they be afraid that they a- void fin from fear of affliWon : To, fce if there may not yet be grace.. 2 Know therefore, That man, or woman that avoids fin meetly from fear ofalittion, though he avoidsthe fin, he never comes to love the command that forbids that fin but is weary of Gods Command : But now afoul. that dothnot onlyavoid fin through, fear., but withal hath a loveto that command that bindshis Spirit. alfo ifthou. find it thus, that thQujhaft a love to that command that forbids thatfin that thoudoeft a- void ; certainly thou.doeft not avoid it meetly from fear of afHiaie'n, Thofe that avoid fin meetly from fear ofaffliIion, theydo not corn- pit. beeaufe they darenot ; but in themean time