Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

524 The Evil of Evils) or the tirne would be glad if there were no command againft it. As it was theSpeechofone that cried out, Oh that God hadnever made the feventh Comrnandement : He had an inlightened con fcience, but a filthyheart ; but confcience now flood in his way, he hates therefore the Com mand that forbid that fin Oh that that Com- mand had never beenmade, faith he. So thofe that trieerly refrain fin from fear of trouble and Hell, though they keep from the fin, yet they never love theCommand that forbids fin : But ífthy heartclofe with the Command, and faith it is good, holy, and righteous, and bleffed be God for this holy Law ; peace be to thy foul : it is not thy cafe toavoid fin for fear ofalfliaion, but for fin it felf. 3 To fatisfie thofeConfciences : Thofe that avoid fin meerly from fear ofatiidion, theyare willingly ignorant ofmany fins; they do wil-. lingly turn their eyes from theLaw ofGod that forbids fin : True, they dare not go on in the commifiionof thofe fins dire&ly againfl Confei- ence, Confciencewill not fufferthem : nowbe- caufe theyhave a mind to fin, they wink with their eyes, andbe loth to be convinced that it is a fin, becaufe that they have a heart delighting to dolewith the fin : there is a great deal of deceit this way. ":13fit now when a mans or a wo- mans Confcience tels them this; It is the defire ofmy foul to know any fin, and if I find therebe a fin that I aril ignorant of in the way I walk, I could fpend night and day till I coine to know it and when I have found it chit; I hope my fo