Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

xeeedissg sinfiehreff of sin. Soul thould come to rejoyce that God hath re- vealed that to be fin, that before I knew not to be fin, but now one tiotavoids fin for fear of 2fflietion, ifhe know it not, he can go on-quiet- ly, and therefore is willingtogoon in that igno- rance, and therefore is loth to take pains to know a fin tobe fin ; if he have any fear of or fufpition that fuch a gainful way, or pleafant waybe fin,ifhe fear it, faith he, give me time to exatnin whether it be fin or no,&he is willing to pa fs over examinati6,that lobe may go on joyhis luft without fear.But now caper the heart is right, ifthere come tobe fliCpition that filt-h away is finful, though I have got never fo much by it, yet it muff be left off; I mull, if this be fin, come to live lower than I have ,done ; yea- my confcience tells me,íf this be found tobell, I mull come down; yet my heart tells me, I would with all rny heart know it, and ailscoun- fel of them that know the mind of God, and 'begof God that he would dikover to me whe- ther thisbea fin or no. But now thole that a- void tin for fear, they when they afk counfel, will be fure to afk their advice (whether fuch a fin be a fin or no ) that be oftheirmind. 4 Thofe men that are willing to avoid fin, not out offear, but becaufe oftheevil offin it fell; they fhali find this difpotition in their fouls; At fuch a time astheybe even afraid God will deftroy them forfin) they even thendefire God may be glorified; though I perifh, let God be glorified- But thole that avoid tin out of fear, when they apprehend there is nohope, they be Q_q q ready