Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

526 The Evil ofEvils, or the ready to fly in Gods face : nay, ifI muff be dam ned, I will be damned for fomwhat ; if I muff perith, I will perifh for fomwhat : But that foul that fears fin for the evil of it, it faith, well, 1 periíh, and amdamned, yet let God be glori`ed, though t perifh : Certainly thou a- voideft not fin meetly out offear. ,5 Again, Thofe that avoid fin out of fear, they do not fee the beauty and excellencyof godlinefs in others,fo as tobe enamored with it. Some avoid fin out ofdifike and hatred offin ; and doefi thou fee a beauty in there, and doeft thou fay, Oh that I were in fuch a condition. Thole that can fee the excellency ofgrace in o- thers, and prife and love it inothers; certainly there is forne Seed of that grace in their fouls. So now, they that have no grace, envy others that have grace : but they that have grace re- joyce in thofe that they fee have any grace. This is the fecond Particular, rebuking thofe that avoid fin meerlyout offear ofafflgiion, to- getherwith fatisfaëiion to that cafe of Confci- ence, becaufe I know it lies heavy upon men and womensSouls Thirdly, The Confideration of this Point, loth rebuke fuchas are fo thyofaffliction as that they will fall into fin to prevent of liáion. Cer- tainly this is a foolifh choile, forany tobe fo a- fraidofof li&ion, as toprevent affliCion, rather ventureupon fin. As ifa roan fhouldfee a Crag- gyway, and he will rather turn into a puddlely way,one all mire anddirt, than endure onehard and craggy : Thou feei the waics ofGod hard _ and