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The Evil ofEvils, Or the fworn Vafiáls; andyet becaufe you were afraid oftrouble, you ventured and made bold with your Conscience; Oh lookback to thefe things. If you will fay, now Minitiers fpeak againft filch things; you.thould have done fo two or three yeers ago. For my own part, I did then., two, three, four, or five yeers ago, and was of the fame mind I am now ; and through theftrength of Chrift and Gods mercy to me, I ventured fomwhat, and therefore I may themore freely and boldly fpeak now; not becaufe it was meerly tokeep from danger that I have (poke no more, for I did fpeak it hertofore. Bur now look back what regreetof confcience you had ; and yet meerly for fear ofaffli&ion,thou paledít through that regreet of Confcience : It were juft with God tomake at:Hid-ionmore fore and heavy; and thofe that will avoid the affl- iCtion by fin, God may juftly bring back that aflliFcion : Eut this would be a large Argument, to fpeak to thofe that will not venture upon fuffering, but, run upon fin. Fourthly, This rebnkes fúch, that when they be under afíii&ion, yet theybeagreat deal more fenfible ofaffii&ion than offin. This is againft the Point, that faith there is more evil in fin thanin afiétion; andyet whenyou be under of fliáion,yoube more fenfibleof the evil of aftli- etion than offin. Therebe divers forts ofthefe, and divers things tobe laidto thefe. z As tomeprophane wicked men that com- mit horrible wickedneffe, that it is a wonder their Confcience fliesnot in their faces,and tears not