Exceeding Sinjulneß of Sin. 529 not their hearts out oftheir boforn, for thewo- ful guilt upon them ; andyet theyarenever ftir- red : But when Gods hand is upon them,in fonse grievous Sickneffe, they cry out for pain, but not onewhit fenfible offïn, that never comes in their minds; but their pains and difeafe: and whentheirfriends come, theycomplain ofgrie- vous nights, and what heat they be inwith their Feaver, andhow they burn, andhave been tor- mented, but not a wordof fan; all their guilt, the Sabbathbreaking, oaths, companykeeping, oppofition ofgoodneffe, this lies not upon their Confcienceat all : Oh ! thefe bewretched crea- tures, befotted, guilty, hard hearted, left of God to the day of His Righteous Judge- ment. 2 Others, when they be under Gods hand, they lie fretting, and vexing, and murmuring, and repining: As Solomon faith, Prov. 19. 3. Map perverts hisway, andUsheartfrets againfi God : Firft perverts his wav,andyet when Gods hand is up- on them fret againft Gods way thou fhouldit fret againft thine own heart for Sin ; but thou freteftagainft God forAtfli&íon. 3 AThird fort, and thefe principallyI intend, and theybe filch that when theybe inAfi&ion, will complain muchof fin, and Teem to put all the trouble upon Sin; but in truth their trouble is more foratH&ion than fin. Now I would find out thefe (it will require time) I fuppofe I i might cullout a great many that it may be make great complaint of fin, and yet the truth is, that which lies atthe heart and pincheththereis.. Aft-Utica