5 o The Evil of Evils, Cr the Atiiktion rather than fin. How do youknow this? If a man come and complain, Oh this wretched heart of mine, and pray help me a- gainft it ; how canyou tell it is forAffliilion and not for fin ? Perhaps they have had great loflé bySea ; brought their names intodifgrace, loft fuck a friend, are pincht with poverty;and then come and lay all upon fin : whereas it is theaf- fli&ion that lies in theheart, this pincheth them moil. Many men and women, account it a kind of thame to complain of Affliction, this they thinka difgrace, and therefore thatthey might not have the difgrace ofcomplaining of Afilidi- on, they turn all upon fin; and tis fin troubles them. Now I would find them out thus. t You thal find manythat come andcomplain ofSin : who do they complain to ? to ffrangers, that know little of them and their condition, rather than toothers that are acquainted with al theirwayes, and their whole courfes, though ableto help them : for there is a great deal of Sufpitionin that; for certainly if your heart be right, you will make complaint to thofe that knowmolt ofyour waies andcourfes ; but thofe that be ffrangers, you can go and complain to in fome general way; and perhaps to force that may be fame way able to help and relieve you inAffii6tion ; but wilnot complain to thofe that mayhelpyou againft Sin, if theybe not able to help otherwife. 2 Another is this, Thofe that make com- plaint of Sin (and indeednot true) it is Alai- on, not Sin; you mayknow it by this, Though they i