1 Exceeding Sinfn!nejs' of Sin. they complain of Sin, it is in general terms, Oh they be vilefinful Creatures, but never cometo ripup the fecrets of their hearts to thole that they complain unto : But nowany fecret fins that might caufe thame, they be kept in, and never opened. But that is their general corn- plaint, Thai they be vile finful Creatures; whereas if it were fin that layupon thyheart, thouwouldefkcome and open all thy fecret fins to thofethat are faithful and willingand able to help thee, ifthou judgeft them faithful, ifthou dolt not judge them fo,why complaineftthou to them ? if thou thinkelt theybe, thou wilt be willingtoopenall thy fins to them. But if thou art all upongeneral terms, it is adangerous fign, it is Afili&ion, andnot Sin. 3 Again, Manycomplain to others, but very little between God and their ownSouls in fe- cret ; their complaints be more large, when theycome to them thanwhen theyarebetween God and their own fouls in theirCloffets : now ifit be for thy fin thoucomplaineft,then though thou doftcomplain to them that through Gods bleffingmayhelp, yet thy chief complaint will be toGod at the throneofgrace, and therethou wilt poor. forth thy foul in thebitterneffeof thy heart. Many come to the Minifter andcomplain That they be wretched finners, butfcarce goto Godin fecret : or content themfelveswith foine Prayers, juts asp they are in theEook,or the like, butnever pour forth their fouls in fecret for -fin. This is anotherNote thatit is rather. forAfilitii- on, thaa.for fn. .,....,...ti. 4 AtEO 531