Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

The Evil ef Evils) er the 41.....111111110111..11 put together, and bring that to fin and ad it to it, it would not make itgood : no,fin would re- main fill as evil as before it was. Now that mutt needsbe poyfon indeed, that bringall the love- raign thingsin theworldand put wit, yet there would not be a deminiI ionof the leaí l. thength of that poyCon, and fo it is with fin : Therfore befeech you brethrenobferve it tholemen andwomen be mightilyniWaken, that think Ç I havebeen a finful creature indec,d, but no,,v I wit amend and reforme and be better ) that byadding forne good to their fornaerlinful Lives, it will makeall good : Oh ! know that there is fo much evil in fin, that the additionof all the goodof all the creatures in heaven and earth cannot wake it lers evil thanbefore f, that ysu mu r t only now think to livebetter & ad good untoyour former evil, but you mult rake acourfe for the taking away of the former evil; fo" thedelivering you from the guilt and fain and filth of your former fin. 2. Sin is not capable ofgood 5 All thole good ends that any menhave in theC6miflion of fin, yet donot make their fin the better : that can- not, make fin good, becaufe they have good' ends: as thus, Theremay be Threegood ends fame may think they have in theCorn eniffion of Fn. T They may perhaps think that by Com- miffion of force fin they may further tome grace,,