'53.2 T,l.'e Evil of Ev-ilr, Or the 4. Another Note is this, If it be for A iiê,ion more than <o7. :n, any one_that bath griefupon them, according to that griet that is'upon them, they be ready to aggravate that grief: As thus, fuppofe a man or a woman troubled for the death of their Father, or Husband) or Wife, Oh fuch a ones dear friend is dead, father dead, or husband, or wife is dead well, they be mighti- ly troubledandperplexed for this : Now ifany come and (peak any thing to aggravate their furrow, they dole with it prefently 5 as thus, You complain of forrow for your father ;` I he was a loving father, and they prefently clofe with it, and this aggravates their furrow; and fo you have loft your husband; Oh' never wo- man loß fo precious a husband as I ! fo that which is fpoken to aggravate that which lies up- on the fpirits of men andwomen they be ready toclofe withal. So now, if you would know what lies upon your fpirits, when men and wo- menbe troubled, for tryal, what theybe trou- bledfor ; here is the art of aMinifier, or a Chri- fHan to find out what lies upon the fpirits of menor women ; fome fay fin; well, but it May be its not that; how {hall we find it out ? Thus, Whatfoever lies upon the heart that troubles them, theywill be very willing toacknowledge any thing laid to agravate it that lies upon their Spirits moff. If anycomeand tell themof the Evil of Sin, and agrravate it, and fay, This is an evil condition, and you muff be humbled for it, and throughly apply the Word . of God to them, to thewhow deeply theyare to behum- bled