Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulneßof sin. 533 bled,and lay fin before them in itsright colours: if fin trouble them, they joyn with it, and fay, It isevil indeed, theLord humbleme, and thew memoreof this Evil of Sin, and they like that Wordof God that layes hometheEvil of Sin mofi. But if it be notSin that theyare troubled for, by thefe fpeakings againft Sin their'hearts, be hardened, and theirheartsrifeagainíi the ag- gravationof fn; but if it be Ali&tlon , come and pitty and condole them, and fay, Alas ! you have fuck forrows, and troubles, andOhi po r Creatures itis pitty but force others íhouldhelp you; i, theytake this, and this aggravatestheir forrow. 'Tieobfervable in David when hefled fromAbfatom, howready he was to entertain a- ny thing that mightaggravatehis forrow. When Ziba came and accufed Mepbibofheth, though it . were very unlikely, he prefently embracethit. Sowhenaman is under Affii&ion, he will rea- dilyhear, and embrace what may aggravate it, andamanundertrouble for Sin, will readily em- brace that whichwill aggravate his Sin; this is anexcellentNote to come to know where the burthen pincheth, whether it be Sin, or Af flietion. 5 The laft Note to try whether Sin or AfiCti- on trouble thee, is this, There is according to the troubleof the heart for fin, a favorineflèof Spirit to the contrary good : thy heart will in force meafure havea love to, and a favor and relithof that fpiritual grace contrary to that fin ofthine that thou complaineft of. But now you have many that complainoffin,they fay, but yet Rrr their