Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

5 =4. The Evil of Evils 7 Or the their heartsbe Will as unfavory, and theydo x o more relilh fpiritual and heavenly things, con trary tothat fin that they complain of, than e- ver they did before. Therefore the burthen andweight liesnot upon fin, but aflli&ion. Take heed, examine thine ownheart, there is much deceitfulneffè in the fpirits of men and women. Thou takeft the name ofGod invain,when thou cornett and complainefi of fin, and the truth is, . thine afili&ionis upon thee, andif thine affti&i- oirwere gone, thouwert well enough : perhaps thOuart croft in thy family, if that were taken away thouwert well enough for all fin. Ther- fore be lure thoubeeft faithful with God, and 'thineown Soul. AFift fort of people to be reprehended are ;filch that get out of Aflii&ion by finful wayes, and think they dowell. But ifthere be more E- vil inSin than inAflli&ion,Thenit mutt be a wo- ful getting out if by wayof Sin. Many people in (traits, it they canget outany way, by 'hook or by crook, fo theyget out, theycarenot how: What ! haft thou gotten out of prifon by fin thou haftbroke prifon : Juli like a Malefa&or that huh broke prifon, but then there isHue and Cry lent after him, and the Conflallepur- lües him, and if he be taken,. he is laid in the Dungeon, and Bolts put upon him, and is u- fed more hardly. So I fay, if thou art in, any Aff!i&ion, thou fhoulde(t lie there till, God let thee out ; but if you break out before God let you out, Hue andCry follows you, and you will be certainly overtaken.; the 'Remedy :r« is