Exceeding Sinfulnef? of Sin. isworfe than theDifeafe : this is to{kip out of the Frying-pan into theFire. Like a man in a burning Feaver, fhould he drink apint of cold water to eafe himfelfthis may eafe him a while, but he is fcorched andparched with heat after- ward. This is like as ifaman fhould run from a littleCur that barks at him, and he runs into the mouthofaLyon. Areyou in AtHiCtion, and to prevent it run to Sin ? This is j uft as ifCome lit tle Whelp fhould corne at thee, and thou run - nett from it to a Lyon. So much difference there is between Sin and A ffietion : Jugs if you fhould fay, God will not, and therefore the Devil {hall : everyman that takes fin to help him, Both asmuch as ifhe fhould fay, well,t fee God will not help, therefore the Devil mull : For whatGod Both, he doth byLawful means, and if thou mutt not have it byLawful means,: thou muff fay, well, this way I {hall not have help, and yet thou wilt have it, and therefore thou wilt to the Devil for it. Certainly ifthou knewett all, thou wouldeft have little comfort in this. Wilt thou break thybounds in finful waies toget out ofafEliaion ? As many Appren- tifes besaufe their Matters chaftife them, run a- way into many, hardfhips : So many men and women, hecaufe theyhave erodes in their yoke- fellows, break away, and will not live together and a hundred other particulars I might {hew howmen break from affli6tion by finful waies but I muffhaften, only take that place for this inYeremiah, 28, 13. Go tell Elananiah, _raying, en's tfaith the Lord, Thou haft broken theyokes of Wood, bur Rrr 2 t J011 535