536 The Evil ofEvils -Or the thou(halt makefor them,yoherofIron : When God fent a yoke of Wood to declare what aflliaion the people fhouldbear, Hananiah breaks it ; yea faith God, bath he broke them ? go tell him, he (hall have a yoke of Iron. Thou breakeft off the yoke of affli&ion; know from God, thou thalt have ayoke ofIron. Sixtly, This reprehends thofe, that after de- liverance from afflietion, can biefs themfelves in their fin, though they be not delivered from that. There was Inch a ficknefs thou hadeft, ancthere thou laieft in anguifh ofSpirit, and e- very one thought thouwouldeft die, then thou thoughteft thou fhouldeft to Hell; well, thou art delivered, and art asbad as ever, as unclean as ever, as covetous as ever, as malicious and prophane asever; Oh know thy condition is woful. I remember Auftine bath this Speechof one, Thou haft loft the benefit ofof ittionas well as thou haft loft the affliîtion : Oh.it is a heavy lofs, to lofe afllidion without profit, for this is the last means God ufually ufeth, and therefore thot.t art worfe than before thou wert : it may be thouwert troubledwith the lone, and thou art cut ofthe lone, but haft as harda heart as ever; What is the lone gone from the bladder, and the lone in the heart Rill ? Oh ! God it may be_ fent thisto cure thyheart, and thou art deliver- ed from the one, and thouart gladof that ; Oh know, that thouart in a woful cafe, for fin by this means bath gotten firmer root, becaufe it bath withftoodafiftion; as if theArrowwere takenout, and thevenom Lill remains, Not all