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la 1* .f,e an.;zs offrve4ictookt Tirtlitea by Peter cofg IA edett*Hálfl'. L'atidon -I rztrai-e tvi be--:fi71d -at Ns .1 Lòr al. thefikii.if *1Vtii#fittteg iit &Ilk.' ' ; t ; 0 ', IA ',NW Itiii. '.62loydri T.athat: Ei4ht fl(As of Mr, Jeremiah -13ur7 opened and applied -from Chrlit# 'toners ferretypiiblifixed : As 14,-, prieffly office. i , , r which they are gitefinefeksci.4 Pp" ChriSftltas111' Ss owe* atitiCemarperol H2ni4si fo the Texts z The Rare Jewel of Chritlian People under Temptation. Cdttentment , on Phil. ii-. t i. 3 Thankfulncfs requiredineve.; a Gorpel- Worfhip , OnLevit. ry Condition. 10. 3. 4 Grace for Grace ; or the 3 Gofpel-Converfation on Phil. Overflowing of Chrifts Fulnefs 1. 17. To which is added , The received byall Saints. aftfery 4f aloft men that have 5 The Spiritual A&ings of trl*tion i41 04, liff, itigj on Faith, throughdui* imporfibiri4 PI: It. 14*. -4 ° --.' ties. 4 A Treadfe of Earthly-Min- 6 Evanelical Repentance. dednefs, on Phil. 3. part ofthe 19. 7 The gpiritual-Life, and In-, veg. To which isadded, A Trea- Beingof Chrift in all Beleevers. tile of lieavenly-Mindeclnefs, and 8 TheWoman of Canaan, walkincr a with God, on Gen. 5. 24. 9 The Saints Hiding-place in and onPhi/.3. 7.0. the time of Gods Anger. ç AnExpofition on the fourth, so Chrills Coming is at our fifth, fixth, andSeventh Chapters Midnight. of the Prophefieof Hofer!. 'a A Vindication of Gofpel 6 An Expofitionon the eighth, Ordinances. ninth,and tenth Chapters of Bared. al Grace and Love beyondGifts. 7 An Expofitionon the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteen Chapters of Six feveral Books, by Nich Cul- finfea , being now Compleat. peper,Gcnt. Student in Phy -713., ,zTlit. Eiihof Evi's r.cirthe , hat and AUrology. Itsceed4,11 SinfUlnes of Sin :"On-'T- 'z A Tranflation of the Nero Job, 36. z z. lattei part. Diffienfatory, made by the Colledg of Phyfitians ofLondon. Wherunl 'i. Twelvefeveral Books ofMr.Wil- to is added, The Key to Galen's Liam Bridge, Collected into one Method of Pbyfick Voltsann.viz. z A Virettory for Matianves i The great Gofpel Myllery of or a Guide for Women. Ncwlï the Saints Comfort and Holinefs, enlarged by the Author in every Sheet.,