Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceecimg SinptIncfs cf Sin. grace, dogood to others, or glorifie God 5 there may be fuch deceit in theheart: as thus, Theymay think filch a fin will help fuch a Grace, andhelp againfl fuch a temptation, and filch at fin may helpmy humility 5 and it is ordi- nary this temptation ( when in trouble of Con- fcience) makeaway thy felf, and then thou wilt fin no more for fo long as I live L fhall fin a- gainfI God therforeinake away thy felfand Coceafeto fin : But know, if thou lay violent hands -upon thy felf, and think thou !halt have this good by it to fin no more ; yet thy fin is, wicked and abominable,. though thou put this goodendUpon it, though it were poffible to in- creace Grace never fo much by the leaff finful thought, we muff' not commit this leali finful thought for never fo good an end, as to help forward filch a Grace. 2 ASecond end maybe to do goodtooth,.rs, and! fay if it werepoffible, if -a man might bea means to fave the whole world if he would commit one fin if he could fave the whole, world frometernal Torments by theCOmmifii- on of one fin, you fhould fuffer the whole world to perifh rather than commit one fin, there is fo much evil in fin. It is theexpreffi- on of ifugufline in a TraCtate of his concerning' anofficious Lye, a friend of his wrote tohim to Anfwer this Queflion about telling of a Lye. Whether helsoigilt not tell aLye, to do good to anothq n? Many think, What though I do tell a Lye fo I do another good 5 indeed if I maydo hurt G 2 then