Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

tu: E: L11'A aLi ' Page :foul 71. -25* Deliberation Sin needs no deliberdtion becaufe whollyevil' 29 Diteafe, Sin-0mpared to0_difeafe 257 Defpife $irt is defpifing_ of God 46 Whij:i dapife :their Puts Defiruetionl Sinfeek,4pIlefirudion 54 The. Devil beer ä bafe Izifi 61 Sin is Originally .froni the Devil 5 8, 359 Lay -notail upon th&Devil 3Oo Sins reference to theDevil 3$75358,359, 360, 361, _ 362,363 Do epo men know what they do when they fin againfl god 8 Deceive "I beway ofthe wickedde- ceiveth 294 Deliver Delivering up to Satan, what 377 Some bkfl lbenifelves in 310 Page Tint, after tbeie delive- ; --rance from 'Oil-Hon 536 Dealings god' deal ngs with 6_7! wicked and godly are different 44o Draw DraW not others, .to fin +pz .sDefile Si dehleth thefbul 262 It defileth all things man MeddlethWith ibid r7 Delight indejoy. Delight in fins. dreadful 462,46g, tim God takes delight in the fouls that conversewith him Departing Sina departing from god 285 Defpair Defpair is not from the -depth ofhumiliation 86 But front want of it ibid Divorce It is hard to maleadivorce between fin and thefoul 90 Difpleafure gods diipleafure againfi fin 113 AgainflAngels --Againft