Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Page .=-- .flgain Men I r 7 ----'Manifefled in his law Ii8 -In its Terror andCurie 119 .--In his feverity againft puffins I r 9,120 I21 `His Wrath d.9 SHell I22 gods dealing alfowith his forefbews his difplea- lureagainfifin 123, 124, dgc. gods difpleaíìire with his people 438,439 DeLeit .Againfl deceit 466 E Enemy Whogods enemies 48 To whom god an enemy '285,286 .All the Creatures are ene- mies tofinners 288, 289 Encourage Saintsencouraged to bear afiEtions 17 End 'Men think, of three good ends in committing of fin 18 `Itjogood end infin ibid T: A B L Page The endof theAgent and of the.AEt 44 Loßof the end tcorfe than loft ofmeans 75 godsgt.ory:his end ofcrea- tion 76 'Mznsendwhat 259 Endlefs Torments 133,134 Enjoy We cannot enjoy godand finful wayes togetlser 6r Ellate, videGettings Wicked men ufurpe not theirEffates, 2So `Have right to them andborn ibid Eternity The Eternity of all evil fromfin 3 39 Evil Sin thegreatefl ro Of TivoEvils tochoofe the leafy, nogod axiome in pointoffin 23. Sinmakesaman evil 140 It's betterto bear g reade evils thanfeel them 297 F Face gods Face what 286 Fight Who fight againfi god 4r Froward