Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

THE TABLE. Page Page The different rworkjng of Humiliation the Saints hearts 15 For fin againft god --- The way to brcaltaheart 96 fanîtifies bis name 87 It abides after pardon Sin bardensthe heart 297 89 Hell Wakes a divorce from Hellás better thanfan 4 fin 91, 92 Humble Exhortations to :humilia- Thewaytohumblethefoul tionfor fin 471 34, & 47)48,49 Ter whumbled truly 84 Holinefs I Sin calls dirt upon goat Ima holiness 64 Sinmolt oppo ite to the I- Holinefs what 291 mage of -god in man Horror 145, 146 .-- -Isnot true (Humili- Theexcellency ofthe image liation 88 of god inman 147 Houfe 'Holineß the image ofgod The houle wherefinis, is 147,148,149,15o,151 worfe than that which is Infinite haunted by the 'Devil Infinite and leg than infi- 374, 375 rite cannot Rand toge- Harden ther 345 rprofperity hardens 442 _.A kindof infinitnefs infin Hands 345 Concerning fucb aslay vio- Infinite power muff over- lent hands upon them- comefin 346 felves 19 Sin bath infinite defirt Hate 347 godharesfin 38 Sin deferves infinitemilery Wi)o hare god 44 ibid The objeZt 4 godshatred Infinite in time, and inóe- 265, 266, 267 gree 348 Sinners 'late themfelves .An infinite pricepaid for 3101 fin 349 Juttice