T H .E TAB]f,E. Page Jui}ice SintorongrGod inhis ju- Rice 66 Judgement Examplesof God/ judge- ments uponfin 118, I19,IZO,12I,I22 Thedifference ofthej udg_ ,ment of God, from the judgmentof theworld142 Spiritual j udgements the znorfi 502 Joy .Againfl joy in fin 464 465, 466, 467,468 Sindamps joy 468,469 Know 'F'ewmenknow Godorfin 8o, 81 Sinners know not the ex- cellency of the rational creature 306 They know not God/ bolt- ne}3 _ :. 307 'Four things muff be known 327 Knowledg Knowledg of fin makes C-hrift preciolrs 56 ;Kingdom... Of Ghrzfl, and of Sa- tdnrrha_t 361,362, ió3 L Law -Theg laßtofeefin 124 Light Çórnmonllgllc, andfavin. light 150 Little Callnofin little 448, 449, 44o Lye AnOffïciores lye 19 Lye not to fave the world 20 Life Sirt firilie,r at the life of Godinman,; 151, 152, What the life of Godin manic 253 The life of man excellent 256 Loffes' A Chriflian` may haw many Creffes, hut no Loffes 34t2- Liberty.' Profierity gives liberty to fin . 437 Page lui Mercy Sin wrongs God/ Mercy. Mediator' --°'iluß be God &mßan 8z Ièini(!ry 68