Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

THE TABI. Page Miniftry Miniftry of the Word rsfor ourgood 295 .Andgod"glory ibid It make,sfan bitter ib. Wake:"ftomach.r rifea- gainft it 296 ...A great Ordinance 323 Magifiracy ../4 great Ordinance. 324 Marriners England' ftrength 324, 325, 326 Mean Mean-men, who Mallicioufnefs Malicioufñefs infan 31z Means Means to crufh n 323 Melanliy ftinguafbed from trouble of Conlcience 387, 388,389,390,391 392, 393, 394, 395 Six `Difference,' of it 414, d9c. Mifery , Wen freed from afflíEfion may be in milery 426 great mifery whenfinand affliútion meet 504 252 Page Nature Sin in it" natureoppofate to god 5 'Mans nature 25 3 Necellity Noman brought to a ne- cellity o ffanning 24 O Omniscience god.' Omniscience wron- ged byfin 62 Omniprefence GodsOanniprefènce wron- gedbyfin ib. Oppofition 0f fin togod in `Four things 33 Order Sin break! the worlds Or- der 72 Occafion god take.' occafion by fin 73 \Mzîhon may occafton fin' 141 'P Përfèéuée 1$'he perfècute god 47 Pitty