THere are thefe feveral Books of Mr. feremiah 'Burroughs that will fhortlybe publifhed, va. HisSermons on ,7ob 36, 21. The fecondofPeter the 1. and i. The firft Epiítle of7ohn 3. 3. The fe- cond of CorinthiansS. 7. Matthew 11.2,8;29,3o. The fecond ofCo- rinthians5.18, 9, zo. There are alto in the Prefs Se- venteen Books ;( being the fub- ftanceof manySermons) Preach- ed at Harfordin .5KeyEngland; By Mr. Thomas Hooker,' fómtimeFel- low of Emanuel Colledg inCam- bridg, inEngland; which are Dìf courfes on Seventeen feveral Scri- ptures.