Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding. Sinfulnef of sin. then worfe; 'tis yet true tho.igh this be not fo great a fin as others, it it be a fin itmufi not be doneupon any terms; and thott deçeiveff shine own heart in this conceit, that thou wert better do this than worfc,for fincannot bzgood,and fo not tobe chofen at anytime. Thus We fee there is no good in fin, and a great deal ofgoodin afflibion Hence there follows thrfe Nine Canjiforyr, afex- lentufejar ur. Firfl Confectory. lftherebe no good in fn ; then certainly fin is not the work of God, for Cod taw all his works and they where very good, but fin bath no goodnefs in it therefore not of God. God difclaims it. TheSecond Confecory. lfthis be fo, thenhence whatfoever promifes . undo make to any people, Certainly they be al but delufions. Why ? Because fin is not good in any kind : Sin can bring no good to any foul . lfany one fay; Oh but fin bring pleafure; and loth it not bring profit, and honors in the world? do not many live in high efteem in the World by finfull courtes ? have they not pleafures and delights in Iînful Courfes; Ent cur fed be the Pleafures, Honors, Profits that come in byfn. Certainly if fn promïfe any good, it deludes yon, & thy (educed heartdeceivs thee, and