Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfarinef of sin. 27 wilt thou lofeGod, Heaven, and Chriie and al for tlat which bath no good ? but thus domany venture all the good in God, in Chrift , in Heaven, in eternal life; they are -laid on, the one fide as it were,and their lullson the other ; and theywill venture the lofs of all that good that theymayattain the fuppofed good in fin. What haft thou' done Oh Man or Woman; that. 'haftvetuuedthe lots ofalI good for that which hath no good at all, nay all evil in it ? The Fif confeF`ory It follows, 'if there be no goodat all in fn thenwe ought to make nothing that is good to be any way ferviceable to our fn; as thus we muftnot take thegoodcreatures ofGod and make them ferviceable to our lulls that have no good at all; take not the faculties ofyour fouls and members of your bodyes to make them ferviceable toyour lufts. Oh how doMen and Women abufe the good things of God tomake them ferve their corruptions. Yea Brethren, therebe many that abufe the ordinances ofGod, the dutyes ofGods worfhip, the graces ofGods' fpirittomake them ferviceable to their lofts; to ferve their pride, and felfends, and fel f feek'° ings, Dobut thinkofit, ifit beagreatwicked- nefstotakemeat and drink, anyofGods good Creatures and make them ferviceable to thv tufts, Oh how great awickednefs is it to take thegracesofGods fpirit,working ofGods fpirit, enlargrent inprayeraand followingoffermons, H 2 and