Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

e Teltimon,y to theWorld, &c..., forth : So that we onlyneed now, togiveLetters Teftimonial to the World, that thefe (wig. TheSera mons onyob, 36. chapt. 21. verfe : The Second Epiffle ofPeter, the 1. chapter, the i. verfe : TheFirft Epifileoffohn,the 3.chap. 3.verfe The Second Epiffle to the Corinthi- ans, the 5. chapter, .7 verfe :. Mat- them, theu. chapter, 2.8,z9, and3o; vertes: TheSecondEpifile to the Corinthians, the 5..chapter, the 18; 19, -and 2o. verfes,, which are, or will fhortly be Printed) Vie vouch likewife to be the painful andprofitableLabors ofthe fame Author, andpublifhed by theheft andmoíßAuthewickCopies. 7rlxima .goo in, $Yelrad# soon }_ Williampreep04. Thilzp Wye, Yelm Yare,t, ll amBridges William .Ádderley.