Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinf'lneft of Sin. 1.(2 Zetaa Zia CIHAP. VI. Sinmoll oppofite to God the chie:efi Good, opened in fiur Heads : i. Sin rn: fi oppof a to Cods N,iture. 2 . sin oppofäte in its working again, ft God. 3. Sin wrongGod more t'an any thing elfe. 4. Sinbrikes at Gods Being. FIrfi, It is moft oppoäite toGod who is the chiefeft Good .. i he meanett Capacity may eafily underftand, That which is molt' oppofite to the chieteft good, that muff needs be thechiefeti evil : I fuppofe the wea kett in this Congregation will _underhand thi way of lk eafoping, that evil that is moft oppoiit to the chuefeft good, that muff needs be the chiefeit evii; but fin is that which ismoll OppN,- fite to God, who is thechi& eff good, and there. 'ore mulfneeds be the chiefeft evil. That then is that I muff make good. Rueff. How doth it appear that fin is tool oppoftt- to the chi ef gooc? Anfw. Brethren, When I have rnadeout this I fbalIhewfsn to be very finful, and the gr(.atet' venom offn lies in this one thing I am now o- pening Should l tel you never ,to much of the evil offin, in the danger that comes by it, 1 el; I that