\CO) To the Reader,. 10....E *4'444444H E Creatures vanity and .****** T ernptinefs, the abounding tr/44.433 Sinfulnefs of Sin , and 444+44++ Chrifts All.fufficiency and Fu1nefs,and how to live the life ofFaith in Chriit, are Subje6ts containing the Sim and Subitance of Religion, and much treated on promifcuoufly a- mongft Divines. And I thinkarnongft all theTreatifes ofthisbleffed man, Mr, Jeremiah Burroughs (now triumphing in gloryabove all fin and forrow) which 4avebeirsi receivedwith fo muchaccept tatioti Pit4ting_airtheS*40 r There haql niatbieem itsientgar 41, Ayrview a; !nor Pratial Piççe440.444*w under thy hands':