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j/Prpa-o.44.- 2 The Evil ofEvils, Or the ly the óppofìng the Golpel is not a fighting a- gainftus men, 'out aga,inll God : you may turn it offwith what names you will, and put what pretences you wil upon it, let me tell you,They that ftrike upon the lanthorn, offer violence to theCandle therein. Sin, in Scripture is called /hiving againfl Gee!, I fa. 4.5.9. 7 o untohim that firivethroith has 147aí 'r : Let the potfheard /drive with the potfheards of the earth : So far as Sin Bothprevail in thyheart, or in thy life, fo far thou art guiltyof f}riving with thy Maker. 6 A riling againft God : By Sin theSoul doth rife againft Goa. And for that you have anEx preffton in the 2. Micah, 8. Even mypeople oflateare rifen up as anEnetny. thefe be firange exprefitons ; enmity, walking contrary, firiving, fighting, re- rifting, riling agatnft God; and yet this is inSin. But that I may open itfurther, I(hallPhewbowfin doth fight,(drive, and rife again,fl God. CHAP. IX. Howfin refifl God : a It's a hating of God. 2 It's rebellion againfl God. 3 It'sadelilingofGod. lrlt, Sin doth refill God in his Authority ; inhis Soveraignty, inhis Dominionover the Creature; the language of Sin is, God (hall not reign. It is the fetting of the Will of a bate w+tchedCreature, againftthewill of the infi- nite, eternal, glorious God And is therenot evil in this ? though it maybe thoudoell not on purpofe do fo, fet thywill againft God, yet it is fo