Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

The Evil of Evils, or the 4inning, but what my fin loth aim at There is the end of the agent , and the end of the a,, now tis true though the end of a Sinner be not alwaies to drive againft God and fight with God, yet the endof his Sin is fo, though not of the Sinner ; I befeech you obferve flow God may laygrievous Sins to their charge, and that he loth not account of a mans Sins according to his intentions, but according to that which is in the nature of his Sin; as now, you would think it a.ftrange Sin, to charge any man in the world withhating of God, come to any man though the greateft Sinner in theworld, the moflnotori- ous villain, end charge him thus,Thou art a vile wretch, thou hateft the livingGod; he would revileyou, andbe ready to to fpit in your face and yet it is Paid, Hehates God: In the i Rom. the Apoftle in the catalogue ofSins when he would (hew the{fate of all men byNature, for the ftrft SevenChapters of theEpiffle to the Romans art to {hew the nature of theYews and Gentiles) and among others, he tels them there were Thole that werehatersof God, among other notori- ous Sins haters of God is one : But I will [hew it in a more plainer way) in the Second Commande- ment ; the verieft villain in the Nation would fpit in your face if you fliould fay he hates God: What fayyou to him that will feemdevoute, andworfl=ipGod in a moreglorious way thenhe hath appointed; the Scripture faith, he hates God: See the SecondCommandement, Thor f'alt not wakeante 14 f l fan),Sraven imaae,xor &c. Thom fualt not bow doron the feif to them, tirsr worfhip them'