Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

tfcifoks he hath enough to humble that proud Xing 3 eljh a s,% (tr) when he faith thus to him: That ©od inwhofe hands the breath of thy Noftrils, and althy waies ar6, that God thou haft not glorified: And it hath a mighty deal ofpower to bring down theproudeft and ftouteft fpirit Upon the Earthj when God (hall give eommiffion to confcience to come and charge himand fay j Oh thou wicked wretch, remember that, that God in whofe hands all thy waies, and the Breath of thy Noftrils are, that God thou haft not glorified: and fuppofe Confcience hath eommiffion to come thus, and fay, That ©od in whofe hands the breath of thy noftrils andall thy waies are, that <?od in all thy life thou Baftwalked quite crofs unto, inall thy life. I fay it would have a great deal of power in it to humble the proudeft heart in the world. And this is the fecondparticular of the operations of finsworkings $ it is agoing crofs to God. There are two more in this Branch, howfinis qppofitetoGod. SinwrongsGod, |pdfin is a ftrikingat God. But becaufe the fourth is fhor- f ter than the third, I (hall beginwith the fourth, | andmake the third laft. I laid before, fin Was continually working againft God5 but nowl f a y ? Exmebni Smfukef of Sin. 4 9 L Cmx f .