Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

50 The Evil of Evils Cr the tm4,1t1',VW;M, At4441$44t iViWWW`rHWV'''O VOW CHAP. X. Sin k a jirikingagairli God. i Thefiemer D7jheth God were notJO Holy, &c. 2 Itfe, k the defiritaion of God. 4lrofin is a rorAging ofGod. Sin is a firiking againft God. I told you 1n was an oppofing of God, and all his waies : but now I fay, Sin is a firiking at God5 at the very life of- God. A manmay fight with another, and 3:et not Peekto take away his lie, to deffroy him 5 but fin flat' s-it the v7ty Being ofGod. I remember an expreffion the 24. ofLevit. 16. fpeaking of the blafrohemer that blarphemed the Name of God 5 the words are tranflated in the Lctine, kedidfire t.5-otigh the None of God : Certainly Sin is 3 %I-4g of God. Indeed God is not a Pody that we can Nike through him with our hands 5 but God is a Spirit, and to the Spirits of men ray by their fins .f.irike through God Him- ('elf: Co Nike at God ob('erve it) as for the maintenance of thy fin thou doPc wif.:1 God mip-ht ceafe to be 5 this is horrible wicked- nefS you i341 ray indeed: What will you fly to ruch o wickednefs as this, that it: thould enter 61,, z heart ofanyCreatti re Oh that 3 might y..10, and rather than I will part with my 4.0, had rather God {honld cease to be God