Exceeding Sinfolizeir ofSin. God ; rather than I would leave my luft, I had rather Cod thould be no more 5 this is horrible wickednefs Lut what wil you fay ifI convince your confciences that this is in your bofoms, than you have ben guilty of this fin ? yea in forne meafure, every fin may jufily be charged with this, that rather than the fin thould not be committed, thou w:uldit rather have God to ceafe tobe. You will fay, Lord, have mercy upon us, though you have told us forne other things hand, and ftri , and vet they feem to be true.; but you fl;al never make me beleeve this, all the men in the world never make me to beleeve th°s; that a ifouldbe guiltyoffomuch wickednefs as to be let upon my lu(is fo, as to delire rather God not to be God at all, rather than 1 lofe my lúft, [ hope there is not filch wickednefs in me. '1 befeech you hearken, and I hope to convince you that there is fomuch wickednefs in the heart of man ; that they he let upon their fins fo.; that they had rather God were nnt God,at all, than they lofe their 'tufts; and to this end, obferve thele two things. z. Fir1}, Do you not think it in the nature of a (inner, fo far as fìn.pv evails in his heart,tocome to this ( fo far as fin prevails I fay) that he could wiffa God were not ft,holy as he is; hated not fin fo much as he loth; that he were not fo and fo lirie , and leyere againhi fin as he is Is not this in every loners heart in the world ? Certainly youdeceive your felvs if you do not own this ; 1 fay lo far as £n prevails in your hearts, couldnot youwith that Cod were not L 2 fo