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To the `leader. hands 4 And thoughdivers Divineshave written and fpoken much concerning this Subje t, yet in my poor Judgment, thisout-goes all ofthis Nature, that ever my eyes beheld, Petting forth with Iife and fpirit the Subje& in hand, and brins ging it down powerfully in a pratical way to convince the Judgment, and work upon theaffetions ofthe weaken Reader. That which is the undoingof thole who think themfelves no small. Chriftians, is rcfting ina barenotionof the Creatures emptinefs, Sins filthinefs, Chris Fulnefs, andhaving fornehigh towering fpeculations concerning the Nature andObje&of Faith and tobe able todifcourfe of thefe things in com- pany, and, upon occafion, is the Religi- on ofthe World, and moreefpecially of our Formal Profelfors. Now the reali ty of the e confeíf Principles are not. madepowerful upon the confcience by the cleeref{ natural a q. uiredç light in the World: 'but when t`he Lord is pleated toilet home thole overawing foul=bal. biting