Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

o The Evil of Evils Or tke do it withmore Bowels ofConapaffion than I do this: but Ido this that you may come to know your 1c1vC33 that youmay come to know Chrili that Chrift may be precious in your thoughts : For the fpecial end ofatrifis coming was,To takeaway fin, todeliver from fm ther- fore we muff know fin, and charge our fouls with fin, that Chrifi may be precious. There- fore if any foul alai go away and fay, Wo to me what have I done ? yea thertfuch a foul is fit to hear of the Doerrine of grace and mercy in Chrift, and that in due time C ifGodgive liber- ty) may be declared to fuch a foul. But now for the prefent I belceve this is a neceffary point for you toknows and this is that (though fomemay perhaps rife againft it) that thoufand thoufands wil have caufc to biers God for to all eternity when it is preached home upon their Confcíences by the Spirit of the Lord which convincethofthe finfulnefsof fin. 1,11/1AVE1,1110ASVO SaAp. 101,19,9Wrilnitill,11110110