Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Í 6o ï de Evil of Evils, Or the becaufe everie finful way is a departing from God, and all that good in God : now this in the account of Rteafon may appear to the weakeft capacity, That where there frauds two goods propounded., and I depart fromone, and chufe the other ; by mychufing,though I faynothing, when I chufe the one, when I cannot alloyboth together ; I do thereby profefs I account more good to be in that other I chafe, than it that former I parted from : Thus it is in the vvaies of Sin, God Pets forth himfeif to theSoul, and . thews his goodnefsand excellencie,as appeareth in all his glorious works; and thofe that live under the Gofpel, as appeareth in his word to them; and God woes the Soul,My Songive me thy heart,and here I amwilling tocommunicate my felf to thee, and all that good in me to thy 'oul;. if I hive anie good, anie thing in that infinite Nature of mine, to comfort thySoul, and make theehappie, here I amwilling to let it out and communicate it to thee : Thus God profefestoall the world., all the Children of men, towhom at leaft theMinifterie of the Go- fpel comes, if thy Soul will come in anddole with him in that way he reveals to thee, he is readie to communicate that goodnefs in him to thy Soul to make thee blelled. Eut now anie manor woman in anie finful way, though they do not fay fo, yet theyprofefs by their prafice this, That though there be fuch goodnefs in thee, yethere is fuch a finful Tuft, I expert more goodnefs in this than in thy bleífed Majeftie : Certainly there is this in everie Sin, and God Teeth